sobota 10. januára 2015

Diera v komíne

Dva domčeky pod jarným slniečkom:

Pokračujeme v práci na zmene vykurovania nášho domu. Majster prerobil polohu bojlera a teda aj vedenie vody. Urobil aj dieru do komína. Začiatkom budúceho týždňa príde zapojiť pec. Tú bolo treba preniesť na miesto v kúpeľni. Je riadne ťažká. Manželovi prišli na pomoc jeho dvaja synovci a kamarát Dušan. Mali čo robiť. Manžel prišiel aj k ľahkému úrazu. Kľuka na dverách do pece povolila a buchla mu do ruky.  

A ešte niečo pekné - rozkvitnutý hyacint od Lenky:

Ďakujem vám za váš čas a nájdite si ho aj zajtra!

9 komentárov:

  1. Daniela, Iris has completed the SAL already :)) Your are a bit late :))) Check this link out

    I did not get what has happened to your husband??? Is he OK now???

    Hyacinth is looking gorgeous♥

    1. I know Iris overtook me:-)))
      She is very fast:-)))
      We received an e-mail with pdf December 27 and she has already done !!!!
      They deserve praise!

      Her husband's hand is OK, he went blood, we stopped it, fortunately:-)


  2. Be careful while doing such huge tasks . Your stitching is going nicely:)

    1. Luckily it ended well!
      I am pleased with my sewing:-)))

  3. Very pretty stitching... Sure hope your husband's hand heals quickly, Daniela! Good luck with the home project, too :)

  4. Ouch, I hope your husband's hand is okay! House revamping always seems to cause some sort of injury. Maybe it's a "rite of passage". :)

    Your stitchy piece feels very much like spring. Winter has only just started! Let it snow!! :D

    1. Fortunately, the husband is fine!
      Winter is weak, here again, the melted snow, the heat and the wind: - ((((

  5. Great progress on the stitching! Hope your other half is fine.
