štvrtok 18. júna 2015

Zas v obchode

Včera som napísala, že chybu vo výšivke som zakryla. Kto nepozná graf, nepríde na to, kde to je. Ale teraz som už nemohla nič robiť, len párať :-)

Cestou zo školy som sa zastavila v metrovom obchode. Dúfala som, že už majú tenké joko. Potrebujem ho na šitie vankúšov. Milo ma prekvapili, joko som kúpila a tak cez víkend sa môžem pustiť do šitia. Hneď vedľa je nový obchod s galantérnym tovarom. Je jasné, že som ho neobišla. Kúpila som si niekoľko bavlniek a spokojná som išla domov.

tenké joko

V meste pred jednou bytovkou som spravila pár foto kvetov, o ktoré sa starajú obyvatelia bytovky:

Nech sa vám darí!

15 komentárov:

  1. Ružičkový motív, to bude zase krásne. :) Zdravím. D. :)

    1. Áno, malo by to byť pekné, také romantické :-)
      Ružičky nikdy nesklamú :-)))

  2. no, hai dovuto disfare! Anch'io ho quel libro, lo schema è bellissimo

    1. Irene, la ringrazio per le belle parole!
      Rose non deluderà :-)

  3. Dear Daniela , it's so great to see grow your embroidery . The warm colors and the flowers have a calming effect and radiate so much charm. Your flower photos are also great again , wonderfully what everything grows and prospers at the moment . I wish you a wonderful day with a lot of laughter and joy .
    your Sandra

    1. Dear Sandra, thank you for your friendly words! Roses are a motif that does not disappoint :-)
      I like all flowers, but do not grow them. I'm bad, incompetent gardener :-)))
      Enjoy the weekend !!!

  4. Liebe Daniela,
    sehr schöner Fortschritt an deiner Stickerei.
    Liebe Grüße Manuela

    1. Liebe Manuela, jede Nacht sticken :-)
      Ich bin sehr froh, wenn Sie meine Arbeit mögen.
      Habe ein schönes Wochenende!

  5. The more we make mistakes, the more opportunity we get to stitch ;)
    Those pansies are beautiful!! What needle size do you use for your embroidery and what is the count of your fabric? I always see you using these thread balls rather than the more popular stranded threads.

    1. Preeti, interesting is that when I unweave calm, do not spaz out :-)))
      Needle Size do not know, I use threads made in the Czech Republic, called the "Perlovka".
      The shop also have DMC, but I do not like.
      Have a great weekend and a lot of rest!

  6. Sorry you had to unpick some of your work :(
    What cotton do you use?? It's so different from the classic DMC :)
    Beautiful bloom, so colourful!!

    1. DMC has 6 thread dispensed at 3. That I do not like: - (((
      I use produced in the Czech Republic is called "Perlovka".
      I think Rose will not disappoint :-)
      I wish a nice weekend!

  7. Lovely teacup! Now when I am shopping and see tea sets, I think of you and your collection! :D

    It is interesting that you use the thread balls instead of skeins. It looks similar to the thread sold here for crochet or tatting.

    1. Now even here it rains and cooled. The kitchen burning furnace :-)
      Also I like the flowers of nature. Although strawberries are from nature :-)
      In July we will have husband anniversary - 39 years together :-)))))
      I'm mad about the cups!
      Our yarns are balls, but we have also spun DMC.
      What is pááá? Sending a response in Annex :-)

  8. Dani ... pekné fotky ... kvietky milujem a najmä sirôtky ... rada som sa pokochala ... :)))
    pa L.
